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Talent acquisition consulting

At WilsonHCG, we help talent leaders transform the talent acquisition process – at each stage – and meet their goals with robust strategies that are configured for specific business needs. We have the best people, robust processes, unrivaled experience, access to cutting-edge technology and talent insights to deliver. Elevate talent acquisition within your organization into a strategic, business-impacting function with the help of our expert talent acquisition consulting team.
Let's make your business better.

How does talent acquisition consulting work?

Led by industry expert, Steven Davis, our experienced team of talent acquisition consultants partner with you to ensure you have access to the talent for today and tomorrow. From employment branding and tech stack consulting to future of work planning and market research, we help you identify and assess the internal and external forces impacting your business. All our talent insights are backed by data to provide strategies that will propel your company forward.
What’s the difference between recruitment and talent acquisition?
Simply put, recruitment is the term used to describe filling open positions. Talent acquisition, however, focuses on a company’s long-term talent strategy. Talent acquisition technology and data play a key role in determining what talent a business will need not just today, but tomorrow.
Three WilsonHCG employees collaborating at a desk

Talent insights and market research 

This solution includes new market talent assessments and talent supply and demand reports to help you make informed decisions (for example, if you’re thinking of expanding your global footprint). Our talent consultants also carry out social listening and competitor mapping to see how your company compares to its competitors. Diversity mapping enables you to access diverse talent, and compensation and benefits analysis are part of our talent insights and market research services. Our pipeline-building service leverages insights from market research into actionable solutions, including name generation and organizational  charting.
WilsonHCG technology consultant employee

Technology consulting and deployment

With more talent acquisition technology platforms in the market than ever before, deciding which are best suited to your business can be overwhelming. WilsonHCG will partner with you to review and audit your current tech stack to determine its effectiveness. We look at each stage of the hiring process and the experience that you want your candidates and talent community members to have. Our talent acquisition consultants then assess each platform in your tech stack to see how they integrate with one another and identify gaps, inefficiencies or duplication, before determining which tools are suitable for the long term and which have the potential to be replaced or optimized.
WilsonHCG technology research hub employee sitting at a laptop

WilsonHCG Technology Research Hub

We take a vendor-agnostic approach to ensure an unbiased and thorough technology vendor discovery and selection via our Technology Research Hub. The hub has an ever-growing database with thousands of talent acquisition technologies and provides the latest information and insights to enable client partners to make informed decisions. The innovation team manages the database and constantly expands the number of tools it pilots, integrates and utilizes. Technologies range from applicant tracking systems (ATS) and artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) applications to automation and other recruitment tools. Once we’ve helped you determine what your technology roadmap looks like, we partner with you to implement and train users on the new systems, including change management and process mapping. We know talent acquisition technology is an investment and our goal is to help you select technology platforms that not only save time and money but also give you a competitive advantage.
Two WilsonHCG colleagues in an office discussing diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB)

Diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB)

Today’s candidates and employees demand truly inclusive workplaces, so workforce diversity is critical. Diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) is not just about numbers though. It’s about bringing professionals in with a variety of backgrounds, cultures and experiences to challenge the status quo and help your company explore new products, services and markets. Our DEIB subject matter experts (SMEs) will help your company diversify its talent pool and tap into talent communities of diverse and qualified candidates. We have relationships with hundreds of diversity-focused organizations, giving us access to varied talent pools. We will also create guidelines and standard operating procedures (SOPs) for diversity hiring that can be tracked and measured to ensure you’re complying with company specifications and government regulations. Our talent consultants host training sessions with hiring managers to help reduce bias. In short, our DEIB talent acquisition solutions will give you a strategic advantage.
Group of diverse WilsonHCG colleagues

Inclusive and accessible hiring practices

An inclusive workforce is vital if you want your company to reflect the communities it serves. Standard recruitment processes, however, often act as a barrier to disabled people and those with long-term health conditions. Our consultants will partner with you to develop inclusive recruitment practices that not only level the playing field, but also widen your talent pools. Whether it’s adjusting the application process with accessible job descriptions, altering the way interviews are conducted or even introducing work trials, we can help you recruit disabled talent and suggest reasonable adjustments to help retain this talent.
Neurodivergent employee at WilsonHCG sitting with her laptop

Neurodiversity hiring

Neurodiversity is the term used to describe the different ways our brains work and interpret information. A spectrum of conditions including autism, attention deficit disorder, Asperger’s dyspraxia, dyslexia, epilepsy and obsessive-compulsive disorder to name a few, are considered as neurodivergent conditions. Most organizations understand the importance of diverse workplaces, but few have DEIB initiatives that cover neurodiversity hiring. Our SMEs will work with you to develop a hiring process that is inclusive of neurodiverse individuals. We will help you educate hiring managers on how to define neurodiversity and autism to help reduce bias. And we will help you to optimize your people management processes to ensure neurodiverse employees are retained.

Employment branding and employee value proposition (EVP)

A well-rounded employment brand is essential to attract top talent, improve the candidate experience and retain employees. WilsonHCG will help you develop an engaging employee value proposition (EVP). We will then create an omnichannel recruitment marketing strategy that highlights your company's core values, culture and distinct qualities. The candidate journey will be assessed and optimized. This includes career site content and social media brand management strategies and execution.
Our SMEs use the methodology from our award-winning annual Fortune 500 Employment Branding Report to analyze your brand and discuss recommended courses of action to enhance the perception of your employment brand and position your organization as an employer of choice.

Future of work planning and deployment

The skills of today are not the skills of tomorrow. Access to the talent you need to keep moving forward is imperative. WilsonHCG’s analytical future-of-work planning process identifies and evaluates the internal and external forces impacting your business, then our talent acquisition consultants design a plan to ensure your talent needs are met. It’s about more than forecasting your company’s capacity. Our talent consultants drill deep into projected knowledge requirements and potential talent resources to make sure you’re remaining adaptable to the business landscape and your industry’s market trends. We provide constructive, strategic workforce planning solutions to your current and potential workforce inconsistencies and use advanced analytics and reporting to anticipate future needs.

Talent acquisition process design

Recruitment isn’t linear. It’s a cycle of continuous improvement. Our talent acquisition consultants work closely with you to understand how new processes and technologies will impact your business before they are implemented. This helps you build a business case for change too. We analyse your company’s needs and ability to change, then calculate the anticipated return on investment (ROI). This provides you with the information you need to ensure budget and resources are available for the transformation you envision. Our SMEs continually revise assumptions and processes based on changing market conditions and your business needs.
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Talent solutions for any situation

Your company’s journey, recruitment challenges and goals are unique. That’s why our RPO solutions are too.

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