Video: Should all businesses use RPO?
Craig Sweeney, SVP of global strategic talent solutions at WilsonHCG, explains engaging with an RPO partner.
Video transcript
[TITLE CARD] Should all companies use RPO?
CRAIG: We'd never say it's always the right thing to engage with an RPO partner and through that consultative process that we have at the front end when we're talking to clients, we have many occasions where we will turn around and say actually RPO is not the right thing for you right now. What you probably need is some training, some development, some help with your internal TA function. Maybe that could be through technology. It could be through some other kind of consultative process that we can deliver to help them elevate their employer brand or bring something to the table that will enable their teams to be to be better at what they do. So it isn't always RPO as the answer.