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Recruitment Tips | 3 minute read

How to prepare for a video interview

April 3, 2020

The coronavirus (COVD-19) outbreak has had a huge impact on businesses all over the world. As a result, working from home has become the new norm to help prevent the spread of the virus and ensure business continuity. 

Video interviewing is helping to keep things moving from a talent acquisition perspective for many companies. It’s certainly not a new concept. In fact, it’s pretty common nowadays due to its accessibility and the benefits it brings. It can expedite hiring processes, improve hiring manager productivity, boost candidate engagement, increase employee satisfaction and reduce costs.

Here are some tips for both the interviewer and interviewee to take away about how to prepare for a video interview.

#1: Choose a suitable location.

Find a quiet room in the house where you’ll be undisturbed by people and pets. If anyone else is home, let them know you’ll be doing an interview and ask them not to disturb you. Sit at a table or desk and make sure the room is well lit. Avoid sitting in front of a window where passersby could be distracting and eliminate other potential distractions like TV in the background.

#2: Make sure the technology works.

Don’t skip this step! Test your tech before the interview. Give yourself at least 10 minutes to set everything up. If you can, choose a room in your house with the best internet connection (and plug in over using Wi-Fi if you have the choice). Close all applications on your device to optimize the use of the video interviewing application. 

#3: Treat it like a face-to-face interview.

Prepare questions before the video call in the same way you would for a face-to-face interview. Have a notebook in hand so you can jot down questions that you think of during the interview too. Make sure your pen works so you don’t have to get up to find one that does. And post a glass of water nearby in case you need to clear your throat.

#4: Dress for success.

Even though you won’t be attending a formal interview, you should still dress professionally. Try not to wear bright clothes or those with heavy prints as it could prove distracting for the person on the other side of the camera. 

#5: Maintain eye contact.

Look into the camera and maintain eye contact with the interviewer/interviewee. Smile and don’t slouch or fidget. When asked a question or awaiting a response, wait a couple of seconds before you speak. Sometimes there can be a slight delay and you want to make sure the person on the other side of the camera finished saying everything they wanted.

The most important thing to remember during a video interview is to be yourself and be confident. Your personality will shine through just as it does in person.

About Kirsty Hewitt

Based in the UK, Kirsty supports WilsonHCG's marketing team and specializes in the art of storytelling. A former journalist, Kirsty understands the impact that engaging content can have. Her mission is to educate people so they truly understand the talent acquisition landscape. Kirsty is a self-confessed bookworm and loves to travel as much as she possibly can.