Video: WilsonHCG's Craig Sweeney on strategic workforce planning
Video transcript
CRAIG: Strategic workforce planning (SWP) is one of the founding pillars of delivering a great talent acquisition solution, but it's also the most difficult to achieve.
And I think the reason for that is that the tenure of most people in an organization doesn't span the lifecycle of a real strategic workforce plan.
So where somebody might move a role every every 18 months or every two years, a great strategic workforce plan and the cycle of that lasts much longer.
So again the buy-in of senior HR professionals in the first instance — and I think we are there now — that they really understand that kind of value that an SWP delivers.
I think the next phase is how do we engage with senior business leaders so they understand it too.
I think CEOs are starting to look now, again, post-economic downturn, at what the future of their business looks like and they know that talent is at the center of delivering a really great organization irrespective of the sector in which you operate.
So they're looking at ways in which they can maximize the revenues that their business is going to deliver in the future and they know they've got to engage with the people that are going to deliver that today.
But they don't have them today, so they're looking at how they can build that pipeline for two to three and five years down the line.