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Video: WilsonHCG corporate culture

WilsonHCG has been rated a top workplace because of the organization's DNA. Hear first hand from employees as they share their individual experiences and paint a picture of the company's highly collaborative, progressive and inclusive culture.

Video transcript

The single most important asset any company has is its people.
"I'm almost all ready to go to the airport."
"Everything I'm bringing on the trip's fitting in this bag."
"I think it's going to be a really motivating experience."
Give people all over the country — all over the world.
"I am taking the red-eye from Portland."
"Nashville, Tennessee."
"This is Charleston."
The best people in the world at recruiting don't all live in Tampa, Florida.
"I've never gone to a company meeting like this where so many people are coming together."
"See everybody soon!"
"We've got so much growth happening right now it's really exciting."
Our whole company was built on ideas — everything was shaped by the people who work here.
"You just look around — we hire great people
that have a passion that contributes to our culture."
"You know for a people company we are focused on people."
"We're all in it together."
"Always — all the time — one hundred percent."
RPO redefined. You can actually see the future with recruitment process outsourcing if you're doing it right. You can tell what a company's volumes are going to be in six months.
RPO is different than what it was yesterday. What we see in RPO and what we see in our organization is the ability to innovate.
It is going in with a holistic solution to a company to make them have the ability to hire better people and make their company better.
"It was an amazing weekend, I feel like so many of us at Wilson are just kind of cut from the same cloth."
"You know it just solidified why I really enjoy working there as much as I do, which is simple — because of the people."
"A living breathing example why our company has the culture that it does and it just made me love working there even more."