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Employee engagement | 7 minute read

Women of Wilson 2019: Libby Herrmann

March 15, 2019

Women of Wilson 2019

March is the month that we honor Women of Wilson. This initiative is designed to recognize and thank the women who are innovating, leading by example and contributing to the success we’re experiencing here at WilsonHCG. 

We've asked staff to nominate the women they think deserve to be honored and we've been speaking to the six finalists to find out more about them.

Libby Herrmann, VP of Client Solutions at WilsonHCG, is a finalist. She is based in West Des Moines, Iowa.

How long have you worked at WilsonHCG?

About seven years now.

If you could be an animal, what would it be and why?

I am going to go smaller, more under the radar, and say I’d be an insect. I’d like to be a dragonfly - because they embrace change (think about what they do by the second physically!) They also can soar, and that is pretty cool. 

What is one of the things you would put on your “bucket” list?

Surprising my entire family with an “experience” trip of a lifetime! I’d love to take them to Bamph or Vancouver - that might change, though. I love to travel, but I think I’d love it even more with my family there.

Are you a morning or night person?

Definitely morning, but watch out. Hanging with me at night is like watching Elaine from Seinfeld dance. It’s fun but maybe a little clumsy.

What is one of your weird quirks?

I like to straighten rugs wherever I go (at the gym, at home, wherever)!

Describe yourself in three words

For anyone who knows me, you know that’s impossible!  VERBOSE is one - but today I’ll choose: persistent, polite and perceptive (alliterative much?).

If you could trade lives with anyone for a day, who would it be and why?

Both of my grandfathers (now deceased).

Grandpa Fritz passed away too young due to medical error, following routine bypass surgery- this, after working three jobs his entire life to support a family of six kids (two sets of twins). He demonstrated to me that family is bigger than anything else - and he lived and demonstrated that value with every breath.

Grandpap Al was THE man - the one who caught Franco Harris’ big catch in a famous photograph, as he was the traveling photographer for the Pittsburgh Press, with the Pittsburgh Steelers during their absolute GLORY days. Think Terry Bradshaw, Lynn Swan, and he was great friends with Art Rooney - the owner of the team. And to this day, we still have cool signed notes from Mr Rooney to Grandpap. Such amazing stories he and my Grandma Rose share.

Who is a woman in history you admire and why?

Too many to name - in this moment it’s Maya Angelou - she gets me.  I live by one of her famous quotes: “If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.”

What advice would you give to someone looking to advance into a leadership role?

Stay with WilsonHCG and you’ll realize your dreams. It’s sort of like leaping and knowing the net will appear.

I came here at entry level seven years ago in the only role I was qualified for at the time given my absolute NEW desire to learn about RPO. I wanted to learn about a new exciting industry that was exhibiting high growth, and whose leaders were real. I got everything I wished for and more. The company continues to give me more in the way of continued education, training, exposure to amazing clients and all of you as colleagues! So grateful to be here.




About Libby Herrmann

As vice president of client solutions, Libby Herrmann partners with our clients to drive optimal human capital solutions and offer insight into best practices for building effective and engaged teams. Libby has built her career with the intent to learn from and partner at all levels of the organization, both with clients internally and externally, to best employ that knowledge to drive results for her own clients, teammates and colleagues.