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Employee Engagement | 2 minute read

Women of Wilson 2019: Amy Brookshire

March 20, 2019

Women of Wilson 2019

March is the month that we honor Women of Wilson. This initiative is designed to recognize and thank the women who are innovating, leading by example and helping to create the great successes we’re experiencing here at WilsonHCG.

We've asked staff to nominate the women they think deserve to be honored and we've been speaking to the six finalists to find out more about them.

Amy Brookshire, a Recruitment Operations Manager at WilsonHCG, is one of our finalists. She is based in Greenville, South Carolina.

Amy quote 1How long have you worked at WilsonHCG?

Four years in May!

If you could trade lives with anyone for a day, who would it be and why?

Maybe it’s because I’m just getting around to watching Downton Abbey, but I think it would be fascinating to be Kate Middleton for a day.

Who is a woman in history you admire and why?

Any woman who was determined to achieve her goals and break glass ceilings for the rest of us…. Susan B. Anthony, Sandra Day O’Connor, Amelia Earhart, RBG… too many to list!

_Amy  quote 2What advice would you give someone looking to advance into a leadership role?

Support those around you… your client, your manager, your team members. Build your brand as someone who can be counted on when needed and who will go the extra mile to leave things a little better than when you arrived.

If you could be any animal, what would it be and why?

A dolphin - they are smart, work as a team and aren’t afraid to have a little fun!

What is one of the things you would put on your “bucket” list?.

Wine tasting in Italy.

Amy  quote 3Are you a morning or night person?

I’m a morning person!

What is one of your weird quirks?

I like to eat my M&Ms by color.

Describe yourself in three words

Supportive, determined and enthusiastic.


About Amy Brookshire

Amy is a recruitment operations manager at WilsonHCG. She joined the company in May 2015. Prior to joining the WilsonHCG team, she gained over 13 years of recruiting experience from entry to executive level roles in the healthcare and finance arenas. She resides in Greenville, SC, with her husband and daughter.