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Employee engagement | 3 minute read

The Power of Humanizing Your Company’s Executives

June 26, 2013

I’ve heard a lot of talk lately about the importance of humanizing your corporate brand but another part of the equation is humanizing the executives at the organization. When I started WilsonHCG, I knew I never wanted to be an unapproachable CEO or someone people only heard about. I didn’t even think that was possible until I started feeling less connected to the majority of the organization as our company grew.

Something needed to change, and it was me. I wanted to ensure employees felt comfortable coming to me with anything, whether it was a concern or an idea to improve the company. After all, our company was built on our employees’ ideas. I also wanted this transparency to be reflected within my community, industry and client base.

You’ll have to adjust the specifics of your efforts based on the size of the organization. But whether you have five employees or 5,000, these simple tips will “humanize” you as an executive.

Introductory call with new hires: Joining a new company can be intimidating and talking to the CEO isn’t often at the top of the training agenda. But, for our company, especially since many of our employees are virtual, I set up a conference call with all the new hires for the week. I tell them about myself, both professionally and personally, and provide a brief company history, including why I started the company. Sharing information about my personal life with new hires helps bridge the geographical and organizational gaps.

Friday email: One of the easiest and most effective ways to communicate with every employee on a regular basis is a Friday email recap. I provide a rundown of my workweek, including company updates and kudos to teams and employees. I also address any questions I’ve received through the week and include information about what’s going on with me and my life outside of the office.

Social media: I can’t stress enough how important it is for CEOs and executives to have a social media presence. It’s an outlet for you to be an advocate for your company and your employees, and it gives outsiders a peek into your life. When people search for a company on social media, it’s appealing to be able to personally connect with the CEO in addition to the company’s page. You’re an extension of your company’s brand, and it makes people feel like they know you. That personal connection can be powerful.

Random check-ins: Every week I reach out to five employees for a 10-minute conversation. I like to hear about what they’re happy with at our company and, more importantly, in what areas and how we can improve. I will never reach every employee, but I try to touch every department. I usually learn more from these calls than I do in my weekly executive meetings.

Every company and executive operates differently, so test out several methods to see which yields the best results. By putting forth a consistent effort to humanize yourself and your brand, people will build a personal connection with your company and recognize the value in your organization.

About WilsonHCG

WilsonHCG is an award-winning, global leader in total talent solutions. Operating as a strategic partner, it helps some of the world’s most admired brands build comprehensive talent functions. With a global presence spanning more than 65 countries and six continents, WilsonHCG provides a full suite of configurable talent services including recruitment process outsourcing (RPO), executive search, contingent workforce solutions, talent consulting and talent intelligence.