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Recruitment Tips | 3 minute read

Tech and the TA Professional– The Tip of the Iceberg

October 17, 2012

Gone are the days where employee files are jam-packed with paperwork and stuffed in endless rows of filing cabinets; say goodbye to walk-in applications. These situations are a thing of the past now that technology has come into the Human Resources world. Thankfully, these times are now filled with options to make the life of an HR professional much more efficient. Technology makes an impact in HR and Recruitment from all angles of the industry.

Recruitment functions are especially influenced by these upgrades. Think about a work day without the ability to use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) or where candidates could not apply online to a position. I know it’s a crazy thought, but this record keeping was all once done by hand. Also consider the instantaneous capabilities of posting a job online and attracting candidates from around the world in seconds. This changes the entire recruitment landscape and standard of candidate quality across the board and was not possible just a few decades ago.

Attracting and retaining talent is one of the biggest hot buttons in HR today and technology is the shining star of this show. Social collaboration tools, like Yammer, allow employees to easily collaborate with one another, also making their presence more visible to HR and leadership acting as a key tool for internal mobility purposes. Employers are also branding themselves to attract talent by creating videos about their work environment through social media forums, reaching candidate pools they would have never dreamed feasible in the past. Even the use of Gamification, such as GOLD, can spice up the way an employee feels connected to their company. HR can use Gamification as a way to not only engage employees, but also use it as a reward and recognition tool.

The overhaul of the industry has also dramatically impacted the way employees are trained and skills developed. Training software, like the PeopleMatter “Learn” platform, allows managers to easily create training material, offer training resources, and even test employees. Assessments are also a great way to assess candidates or employees in their abilities, skills and areas of strength. This enables HR to know if the individual meets the job requirement needs and areas of potential growth within an organization. All of these tools can quickly be updated and function in real-time, optimizing efficiency and managing change at levels we have not seen in the past.

Technology has completely changed the way Human Resources industry functions. As processes continue to develop and are streamlined to become more fluid, agile and efficient, we will continue to see the workforce benefit in the best ways possible. These are exciting times and I’m sure this is only the beginning of a long marriage of technology and the HR world.

Written by: Ashley Perez
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WilsonHCG is an award-winning, global leader in total talent solutions. Operating as a strategic partner, it helps some of the world’s most admired brands build comprehensive talent functions. With a global presence spanning more than 65 countries and six continents, WilsonHCG provides a full suite of configurable talent services including recruitment process outsourcing (RPO), executive search, contingent workforce solutions, talent consulting and talent intelligence.