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Recruiting Top-Notch Sales Performers

May 16, 2013

If you want to hire your next sales leader, look beyond job boards and career fairs. The top sales talent you’re after probably has a job and isn’t concerned about losing it – because they’re good at it. So, you might have to work a little harder to find these candidates, but it will be to the benefit of your company’s bottom line. Try these sales-specific strategies to find your ideal candidates.

Attend networking events. While career fairs attract job seekers, local networking events attract people looking to connect with others. By attending a local networking event, you’ll meet people who enjoy socializing and interacting. Most importantly, you’ll find the people you’re talking to are open and honest about their current job situation.

Direct source your perfect candidates and flatter them. Once you find your potential top performers, “woo” them. Make sure your initial connection proves that you’re genuinely impressed by them and give specific examples. Make it feel like a networking introduction instead of a pitch. If you win the opportunity to get them on the phone, find out what they really need to make a move. Sell your position around their needs.

Post your job where your dream candidate will find it. Use social media and interactive technology to convey your company’s culture and display the incentives offered for being successful. Show a YouTube video of employees having fun, a president’s club trip to Hawaii or a sales manager’s career progression and success story. Most importantly, put your job right in front of your ideal candidate.

Circle back to previous contenders. Timing is everything. Hold on to the profiles and resumes of candidates who didn’t call you back or declined your opportunity in the past. It might be the right time for them to make a move. And, a bonus for you, they’ll have more experience now. Asking them for referrals can’t hurt either.

Invite your candidates to interact with each other. Instead of phone screens to sift through candidates, put together an open house that allows your potential talent to intermingle. Observe who stands out from the crowd, who’s the most likeable and who’s competing for your attention.

Recruiting for sales requires out-of-the-box thinking and a unique approach. Try tactics not commonly used and yield positive results.

About WilsonHCG

WilsonHCG is an award-winning, global leader in total talent solutions. Operating as a strategic partner, it helps some of the world’s most admired brands build comprehensive talent functions. With a global presence spanning more than 65 countries and six continents, WilsonHCG provides a full suite of configurable talent services including recruitment process outsourcing (RPO), executive search, contingent workforce solutions, talent consulting and talent intelligence.