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Twitter Chat | 6 minute read

Professional lifehacks for recent graduates: #HireU Recap

June 2, 2016

If you're a recent graduate or a student nearing the end of your university days, you've probably had that "Now what?" moment. The thought of such a drastic change in lifestyle from student to professional can feel daunting at times, which is why the WIlsonHCG University Recruiting Committee dedicated a recent #HireU Twitter chat to the topic. During the chat, we covered a wide range of professional lifehacks, such as maintaining finances and having a social life. Below are some major takeaways.

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What are some successful habits for getting up and out the door in the morning?

Focus on the day at hand. Have a positive routine such as getting dressed, making breakfast and leaving home by a set time. We suggest avoiding tuning into the news or checking emails when you wake up. Not only can this bring potential negative information into your start of the day, it also could cause you to lose track of time and be late for work.

How do you adjust to post-graduation financial changes?

An easy way to track your finances is by using a spreadsheet. You can create a pivot table to display items by charge so you can see where potential drains are (e.g., did I really spend $45 at Starbucks this month!?). It's especially important to calculate your monthly expenses, including any student loans you may need to begin paying after graduation. Figure out what is essential, and budget what is left for savings or enjoyment. Another easy option is to utilize a budgeting app which will help you keep up with purchases on the go.


what are your best tips for staying social and active? 

When you are working full time, it can be hard to stay social and active. A good way to accomplish both is to join a fitness group or club that meets on evenings and weekends. This way you will always have the same commitment each week on the same day which is easier to maintain than on-the-fly planning. Alumni or networking groups can also be a great way to meet new people and participate in fun events. Whatever you choose to do, create a routine you can stick to.


How do you stand out at your first job?

As an entry-level employee, it is easy to get lost in the masses of an organization. In order to stand out and shine, you should join committees or volunteer to do stretch projects to gain new experiences! This will show your team that you are eager to get involved, and help you to be seen as a leader in the company.


What are THE top tools to use in a job search?

The best tool to use when applying to and looking for jobs is your networking skills. Talking to recruiters or employees of companies you are interested in is an excellent place to start. When you have these conversations, be sure to emphasize what you can bring to the table and make them aware that you are in search of a job at their organization.


How do you effectively manage your time at work?

Some great practices for staying organized at work is to schedule due dates into your calendar, have a written to-do list at your desk and use your smartphone for important reminders. Using some or all of these techniques are a foolproof way to ensure you aren’t missing deadlines.

Our chat can be found on TWUBS and on Twitter by using the hashtag #HireU. If you missed this one, be sure to join us next time! The University Recruitment Committee will host a Twitter chat every month to discuss issues of interest to millennials entering the workforce. Future topics will be announced on Twitter through the @WilsonHCGcareer handle.


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WilsonHCG is an award-winning, global leader in total talent solutions. Operating as a strategic partner, it helps some of the world’s most admired brands build comprehensive talent functions. With a global presence spanning more than 65 countries and six continents, WilsonHCG provides a full suite of configurable talent services including recruitment process outsourcing (RPO), executive search, contingent workforce solutions, talent consulting and talent intelligence.