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Employee engagement | 3 minute read

How video resumes can help you stand out from the crowd

November 13, 2018

“If I could just get them to meet me…”

If you’re in the job market and wish you could just get in front of the Hiring Manager to tell them how perfect you would be for the role, you need to take advantage of the new wave of resumes. In today’s technologically advanced world, it makes sense that many applicants are now sending in video resumes.    

Preparation is key

Jumping in head first or “going off the cuff” may work in some situations, but not when it comes creating your video resume. Here are some things  to think about before recording:

  • Location, location, location
  • How  you want to portray yourself visually
  • What you want to say about yourself

So what is a good location?

Find a space that is quiet, well lit, and has  little background distraction. You want the viewer to focus on you, not something  in the background (which could include anything from a poster to a computer screen to a pet!).  We want to see and hear you.

Image is everything

Now that we have location down, let’s focus on your image. You say almost as much with you appearance as you do with what you say. Wear something appropriate for the job in which you are applying for. If ever in doubt, business professional  attire is the way to go. And think about how you communicate with your body language. Small hand gestures are okay but don’t go overboard as it can be distracting.  

Be prepared

Practice what you’re going to say. Read the job description and make sure what you say relates to the  qualifications for the position. Give examples of how you meet the requirements and what you’re passionate about. But try not to ramble--it’s best to keep the video focused and simple. And remember, managers hire people they want to work with so be personable and professional.

Yes, I know performing a monologue about yourself can be awkward. But if you feel awkward, you will look awkward.  When creating your video resume, try and avoid doing the following things:

  • Reading straight from your resume
  • Not looking at the camera  
  • Petting an animal while talking  
  • Telling a story not relevant to the job  
  • Using the same word or filler words too many times

Make sure you understand the objective, which is to portray who you are, give a snapshot of your personality and explain how you can add value to the company.

We are living in the future  

We no longer live in a culture were walking into a business and asking for an interview is the preferred route to landing a job. Instead, we have to go through many hoops for a chance to get an in-person interview. Video allows your personality to shine through and will make you stand out from candidates who have just submitted traditional resumes. Landing your dream job could be easier than you think if you submit a video resume!


About WilsonHCG

WilsonHCG is an award-winning, global leader in total talent solutions. Operating as a strategic partner, it helps some of the world’s most admired brands build comprehensive talent functions. With a global presence spanning more than 65 countries and six continents, WilsonHCG provides a full suite of configurable talent services including recruitment process outsourcing (RPO), executive search, contingent workforce solutions, talent consulting and talent intelligence.