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Personal Brand | 6 minute read

A guide to nailing the interview process: #HireU Recap

May 4, 2016

Are you a student or recent graduate preparing for entry-level interviews? The WilsonHCG University Recruiting Committee recently discussed interview tips during the monthly #HireU Twitter chat. Professional recruiters around the globe connected with students and recent graduates to share advice on how to prepare for the interview, how to stand out throughout the entire interview process and more! Below are some key takeaways from the chat.

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how can you make an impact at every stage of the interview process?

Throughout the process, it is important to present yourself in the most positive way to make a lasting impact on the interviewer. Preparation is key in order to put your best foot forward. Create some common ground by working to provide examples that can connect your values with the company’s values and position requirements. The interview process is a time for you to show just how great of a fit that you would be.

how can you show your personality while staying professional?

It is important to let your personality shine through during the interview while keeping a professional demeanor. Conduct research on the company and the person that is interviewing you. It is great to find a personal connection with the company and any interests of the interviewer. Keep a positive attitude and stay true to yourself throughout the process.

how can you prepare for an interview?

Preparation is essential to have a successful interview. There are a number of tools that you can use through your career services office: mock interviews, resume building, interview etiquette review, etc. The company website, blog and social media pages are also great tools to learn more about the company before your interview. Don’t be afraid to reach out to a current employee of the company to pick their brain about the culture of the workplace and any potential information that they would be willing to share!


Typically, the interviewer will provide a timeline on when you can expect to hear back at the end of a face-to-face interview. If not, make sure to ask before you leave! Always follow up via thank you email the same day as the interview as a courtesy to the person(s) who conducted your interview. If you do not receive feedback by the timeline provided, it is OK to reach out!


When it comes to video interviewing, you should treat it exactly as you would a face-to-face interview. It is important to set up your computer in a location that is both professional and not distracting to yourself or the interviewer for the duration of your interview. Make sure you dress to impress even if only a portion of your outfit will show. Ensure that you have a stable network and prepare as much as you can for any technical issues; sit near your modem and plug in your charger!


The interview process may seem overwhelming at first. Just relax, take your time to prepare and focus on your goal. Conduct research on the company and the position so that you are informed and ready for the interview process. Remain polite, positive and engaged throughout the process and the interviewer will take note.

Our chat can be found on TWUBS and on Twitter by using the hashtag #HireU. If you missed this one, be sure to join us next time! The University Recruitment Committee will host a Twitter chat every month to discuss issues of interest to millennials entering the workforce. Future topics will be announced on Twitter through the @WilsonHCGcareer handle.


About WilsonHCG

WilsonHCG is an award-winning, global leader in total talent solutions. Operating as a strategic partner, it helps some of the world’s most admired brands build comprehensive talent functions. With a global presence spanning more than 65 countries and six continents, WilsonHCG provides a full suite of configurable talent services including recruitment process outsourcing (RPO), executive search, contingent workforce solutions, talent consulting and talent intelligence.